Resources — Other Languages

As interest in The Link has grown globally, it has become increasingly more important to make resource materials about the connections between animal abuse and human violence available in languages other than English. The National Link Coalition is pleased to include the following materials in our National Resource Center, and encourages our friends in other countries to translate Link materials and share them with us.

Also see our list of Link Coalitions in other countries to connect with individuals and organizations working together to stop animal abuse and human violence.


What is the Link? ¿Qué es El Link?  (The National Link Coalition’s brochure about animal abuse’s links to domestic violence, child maltreatment and elder abuse, graciously translated by Spain’s GEVHA Link coalition.)

El maltrato animal puede ser una forma de violencia de pareja (Animal abuse can be a form of intimate partner violence)  (One-page 2019 infographic by CoPPA — Coordinadora de Profesionales por la Prevención de Abusos)

VioPet (Information describing the Observatorio de Violencia Hacia los Animales’ VioPet program for caring for animal and human victims of domestic violence in Spain)

Ética Animal: Violencia hacia animales por menores…¿cosas de niños? (2008 article by Nuria Querol y Vinas on animal abuse committed by children)

Relación entre abuso a animales y personas mayores. (Nuria Querol Vinas’ 2007 article on animal abuse and elder abuse)

Informe del FBI Sobre Violencia Hacia los Animales – Periodo 2017 Iedicion   (FBI/NIBRS animal cruelty reporting data for 2017)

How to Form a Link Coalition in your Community / Maltrato Animal y Violencia hacia Humanos: Herramientas para Crear una Coalición del Link en tu Comunidad (GEVHA translation of the National Link Coalition’s Toolkit for starting a local Link coalition)

Sospecharlo Detectarlo (Poster to help veterinarians who suspect animal abuse to detect and report it)

El Maltrato Animal Como Indicador de Riesgo Social  (2009 Veterinary Information article on animal cruelty as a societal risk)

Indicators of Animal abuse /Indicadores de maltrato a animales. Part 1 (Discrepancies in history and sexual abuse) and Part 2 (Non-Accidental Injury). (What to look for when you suspect animal maltreatment, graciously provided by Spain’s GEVHA Link coalition.)

Indicadores de Maltraito a Animales (GEVHA brochure to help law enforcement personnel recognize signs of animal abuse)

Are You and Your Pet Sharing a Secret? (Compartes un secreto… con tu animal de compañía?)  (Spanish and Catalan versions of a poster for a domestic violence pet support program, from GEVHA)

Posters Investigaciones (pdfs of 8 posters presented by GEVHA at criminology and other academic conferences)

El maltrado animal como violencia domestica y de genero: Un analisis sobre las victimas [Animal abuse as domestic and gender violence: An analysis on victims]. (2015 research study by Maria Jose Bernuz Beneitez examining animal abuse as coercive control, an indicator of other violence, and the impact on children.)

Análisis y caracterización del sector de los animales de compañía. Informe de Resultados. (Results of a study of animal cruelty in Spain, published Nov. 30, 2015 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA)

Spanish Link Bibliography (List of 10 research sources in Spanish by GEVHA’s Dr. Nuría Querol)

Utilizando el CTSARE para Evaluar Experiencias Relacionadas con los Animales (Barbara Boat’s 10-question screening mechanism for children’s, adolescents and adults’ animal-related experiences)

Criminalidad hacia animals como factor criminólogico de seguridad y relación entre conductas violentas (SECVI report presented at 9th Spanish Criminology Conference on animal abuse as a safety risk factor).

El maltrato animal a manos de menores (SECVI summary of animal abuse committed by juveniles).

El maltrato animal y las personas mayores (SECVI review of animal abuse and the elderly).

Psicopatía, criminalidad y maltrato animal  (2018 chapter from Argentina  about psychopathic behavior, criminality and animal abuse)


Fact Sheet on The Link and Domestic Violence (Os Animais de Companhia e a violência doméstica — Fatos).  (Translation of fact sheet on animal abuse and domestic violence from NCADV and AHA, from the São Paulo Link Coalition.)

Link Violencia Humana-Abuso Animal: Uma Realidade Mundial 27-slide customizable PowerPoint, with speaker’s notes, produced in 2015 by Lar em Paz in Brazil.

Enfrentamento da violência doméstica e maus-tratos aos animais em tempo de COVID-19. Extension project from the Federal University of Santa Maria to address animal abuse and domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.


See the Link Brochure – Extended version (Se Sambandet: Till Dig som arbetar med våldsutsatta människor eller djur)(32-page brochure created by Sweden’s Se Sambandet Link coalition)

See the Link Brochure – Abridged version (Se Sambandet: Till Dig som arbetar med våldsutsatta människor eller djur)(8-page summary brochure created by Sweden’s Se Sambandet Link coalition)

Domestic Violence Pet Safety Posters (Se Sambandet posters for veterinary clinics asking clients if they and their dogs or cats feel safe at home, with domestic violence hotline information)

Action Card(Two-sided card to help Lansstyrelsen child welfare workers report suspected animal abuse, and animal protection workers to report suspected human abuse)

Action Plan for Veterinarians’ Response to Non-Accidental Injury (NAI) (Handlingsplan att hjälpa våldsutsatta – för personal på djurkliniker)36-page 2018 brochure by Se Sambandet and the Swedish Association for the Protection of Animals)


Circle of Violence (Cirkel van gewald)(Summary reports and Phil Arkow’s PowerPoint from 2009 Link conference in Utrecht)

Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty in The Netherlands  (Huiselijk geweld en dierenmishandeling in Nederland) (78-page exploratory study by Wendy Garnier and Marie-José Enders-Slegers of the animal abuse/domestic violence link in Holland)


The Link between Animal Abuse and Human Violence  (Le Lien sur les animaux et les humains) (Andrew Linzey’s 2009 compilation of 27 chapters on The Link, translated into French)

Le Lien entre Violences sur les Animaux et les Humains(12-page booklet by One Voice on global response to The Link)


The Zooanthropology of Deviance (Zooantropologia della devianza (Quadro generale e aspetti critici della realtà italiana) (Francesca Sorcinelli’s 2014 article about The Link in Italy)

Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime (Abusi su animali e abusi su umani. Complici nel crimine) (Francesca Sorcinelli’s 2012 report on Link-Italia’s research on The Link in Italy)

Zooanthropology of Deviance: Zooanthropological Behavioral and Criminal Profiling of Animal Abusers and/or Killers: Animal Crime Classification(Francesca Sorcinelli & Rossano Tozzi’s  42-page 2016 study of behavioral profiles of incarcerated offenders [English translation])


The Link Between Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence: Exploring the Two Sides of the Same Issue (60-page Japanese-language handbook from Japan’s Animal Literacy Research Institute exploring animal abuse’s Links with human violence)

Is Animal Abuse Bad for People Witnessing It? (2022 article on the effects of exposure to animal abuse by Japan’s Animal Literacy Research Institute)

The Cycle of Violence: The Connection Between Violence to Humans and Animals  (Japanese-language abstracts from the 2014 International Conference on Animal Care in Kobe)

The Cycle of Violence: The Connection Between Violence to Humans and Animals (Selected Japanese-language lectures from the 2014 International Conference on Animal Care in Kobe). Transcripts of the Panel Discussion are also available.

Is It True that Animal Abuse is a Precursor to Violent Crimes? (Article from Japan’s Animal Literacy Research Institute)

The Link between Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence: Wisdom to Protect both Humans and Animals  (13-minute recording of an ALRI FaceBook live podcast)

The Link between Animal Abuse and Crime: Toward a Society that Protects both Humans and Animals (10-minute recording of an ALRI FaceBook live podcast)

The Link between Animal Abuse and Child Abuse: Comprehensively Protecting Family Members in Weaker Positions (15-minute recording of an ALRI FaceBook live podcast)

Is there an Association between Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence? Exploring the Phenomenon Called The LINK  (8-minute lecture from the Animal Literacy research Institute)

Infographic on The Link   (Infographic from the Animal Literacy Research Institute summarizing the several types of Links between animal abuse and interpersonal violence)

Animals as Barometers of Households: Applying the ‘Animal Factor’ to Protect Children  (Article by the Animal Literacy Research Institute discussing how animal welfare in households become useful indices in assessing the situation of children living with the animal and how to use the LINK to protect the safety of children.)

Link in BulgarianBULGARIAN

What is The Link? (translation by Mal Plant)

Link in TurkishTURKISH

Interview with National Link Coordinator Phil Arkow (by Turkish blogger Burcu Emel)

Interview with Australian sociologist Nik Taylor (by Turkish blogger Burcu Emel)