Who Do I Call If I Suspect Abuse?
Child Maltreatment: 800-478-4444
Elder Abuse: 800-478-9996 or 800-730-6393 for suspected abuse in long-term care facilities, or 907-334-4480 for suspected fraud or financial exploitation
Domestic Violence: National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233 or visit the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault to find specific contact numbers for specific regions of the state.
Animal Abuse or Neglect:
STATEWIDE: In addition to the local numbers listed below, you may also contact the Alaska State Troopers. Their website publishes a directory of area posts with contact information.
Aleutians West Census Area
Dutch Harbor Unalaska Dept. of Public Safety 907-581-1233
Unalaska Unalaska Dept. of Public Safety 907-581-1233
Anchorage Borough Anchorage Animal Care & Control 907-343-8119
Bethel Census Area Bethel Police Dept. 907-543-3781
Bristol Bay Borough Bristol Bay Borough Police Dept. 907-246-4222
Dillingham Census Area Dillingham Public Safety 907-842-5354
Fairbanks North Star Borough Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Control 907-459-1493
Haines Borough Haines Animal Rescue Kennel (H.A.R.K.) 907-766-3334
Juneau Borough Juneau Animal Rescue 907-789-6997
Kenai Peninsula Borough
Homer Homer Animal Shelter 907-235-3141 or Homer Police Dept. 907-235-3151
Kenai City of Kenai Animal Control 907-283-7353
Seward Seward Animal Control Department 907-422-7150
Soldotna Soldotna Animal Control Office 907-262-4455
Whittier Whittier Public Safety 907-472-2327
Ketchikan Gateway Borough Ketchikan Gateway Borough Animal Protection Officer 907-228-6660
Kodiak Island Borough City of Kodiak Animal Control 907-486-8000
Matanuska-Susitna Borough Mat-Su Animal Care and Regulation 907-761-7501
Houston City of Houston Animal Safety & Protection 907-355-8794
Palmer Palmer Police Dept. 907-745-4811
Wasilla Wasilla Police Dept. 907-35205401
Nome Census Area Nome Police Dept. 907-443-8503
North Slope Borough North Slope Borough Police Dept. 907-852-6111
Northwest Alaska Borough
Kotzebue Kotzebue Police Dept. Animal Control 907-442-3351
Petersburg Borough Petersburg Police Department
Sitka City & Borough Sitka Animal Control 907-966-5768
Skagway Borough Skagway Police Dept. 907-983-2232
Valdez-Cordova Census Area Valdez Animal Control Division 907-835-4560
Cordova Cordova Police Dept. 907-424-6100
Wrangell City and Borough Wrangell Police Dept. 907-874-3304
Yakutat City and Borough Yakutat Dept. of Public Safety 907-784-3206
Please see the explanatory notes regarding reporting and response on our introductory page. If you are aware of any additions or corrections to this Directory, please e-mail the National Link Coalition and let us know.